Bhavesh Ratan

A showcase of My projects


Python Programmer | Dash Developer | SQL Enthusiast

Project 1 :
Weather Dash App

This is a Weather App built in Python-Dash. It shows live weather data of a location along with a graph that shows Temperature and Humidity trend throughout the day.

Project 2 :
Sentiment Analyzer

This project uses Natural Language Processing in order the extract the Subjectivity, Polarity and Sentiment of both the overall input paragraph and the sentences forming it.
The web app includes a fully interative table and changes made on the table are reflected in the Graphs.

Project 3 :
Earthquake Data Provider

This project scrapes data from Twitter to extract information on Earthquakes. The data is then tabulated in an interactive data table which is linked to a Map. The data can also be filtered either directly from the table or a range slider.

Project 4 :
Monthly comparison of Sales Dashboard

This is a dashboard where a corporation can compare sales data between any two months.

Project 5 :
LeetCode SQL Solutions

This is a github repository of Solutions to SQL Questions from LeetCode

Project 6 :
DataLemur SQL Solutions

This is a github repository of Solutions to SQL Questions from DataLemur

Project 7 :
LeetCode Programming Solutions in Python

This is a github repository of Solutions to LeetCode Programming Questions

Project 9 :
Netflix Data Analytics Dashboard in Tableau

This is a Data Analytics Project on the Netflix dataset and is published on Tableau Public